How Does Power Loom Help Textile Industry
How Does Power Loom Help Textile Industry
Since we all know that the textile industry has been one of the major industries of our nation, there is no denying the fact that this ancient sector has grown larger over the years and has redefined itself.
The culture and diversity of our heritage are demonstrated by the fine quality of textile produced using handloom machines and power loom machines.
India is known worldwide for its excellent artistry in handloom textiles over the centuries. And since the industrialization and the arrival of power loom machines, weavers, textile designers, and textile engineers have made sure we don’t miss out on the elegance of intricate fabric even when made using power loom machines.
With this huge shift to the loom machines, we started getting higher amounts of production in less time, and stages like shedding and picking are automatically taken care of by the loom machine. It has also become much easier to get a large variety of designs through the usage of loom machines.
To manufacture with the precision you need the right kind of yarns first, and for the right yarn, you need the right kind of bobbin machine or twisting machine. Some of the best bobbin machines in India are manufactured using advanced technology like the one by Weavetech.
Bobbin machines mainly use spindle control which increases the performance of the machine. These machines help with unspooling and precise traversing. Bobbin machines require less maintenance and offer long functional life.
With all the precision in the beauty department of textile, strength also plays a major role in bringing out perfection. But how do you give strength to your fabric?
Well, unless the yarn is strong enough, you can’t expect the fabric to have enough strength to have a longer life. So how do you make the yarn strong?
Twisting the fibre strands together contributes to the strength of the yarn. The accurate number of yarns give you the right kind of appearance and the strength your fabric requires. And this is exactly where the twisting machine comes in. The twisting machine helps to insert the twist into the fibre strands and to hold it together. That gives the desired properties to the twisted yarns, without the help of a twister machine the yarn would be very weak and will have no practical use.
The twister machine binds the fibres of the yarn together and keeps them in their respective place. There are two types of directions that can be given to the yarn, Z direction, and S direction. Different twist levels and directions also bring differences in the finished fabric.
Weavetech offers various twisting machines, bobbin machines, power looms to perfectly suit your requirements.